

Learn the proper technique and combinations from a trained martial artist in our Kickboxing classes in Lubbock, TX. Our training sessions are specifically designed to help you increase the power and execution behind your combinations. Become fundamentally sound, develop mental strength, discipline while becoming physically fit through our kickboxing classes.


Work with an experienced martial artist

Ready to take on your next fitness challenge? Contact us now to sign up for one of our kickboxing classes!

Our Kickboxing classes are led by Brian, a trained martial artist who is passionate about helping his client develop their skill set and reach their fitness goals. Our kickboxing classes in Lubbock, TX can improve your… Technique, Combinations, Endurance, Pain Toleration, and Skill Set.


Other Programs

Personal Training

Arrange for Expert Training services in Lubbock from a Professional Fitness Trainer.

Boot Camp

Sign Up for Fitness Boot Camp in Lubbock, TX

Sports Performance

Work With a Trusted Strength and Conditioning Trainer in Lubbock, TX


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Call Brian: 806.319.0022